26 O’Farrell Street, Suite 506
San Francisco, CA 94108
Fax: 415.421.8615
Scott Falcone,

The Promenade

Citizens Housing Corporation (CHC) is a non-profit, public benefit corporation established in 1992 to increase and preserve affordable housing opportunities for low-income Californians. With a focus on building new affordable homes and preserving existing affordable units that are at risk of conversion to market-rate housing, CHC has built up a portfolio that includes over 2,000 units across the state, over 90% of which are affordable to low-income seniors and families earning between $12,000-$30,000.

CHC’s mission statement includes a commitment to the environment, and they remain dedicated to finding creative alternatives to current development patterns, including infill housing, transit villages, and mixed-use developments. To this end, CHC’s projects include The Promenade, a mixed-income, new construction development in Pleasanton that won a 1998 Gold Nugget Award, and Piedmont Apartments, an affordable, rehabilitated development that suffered from serious neglect before CHC interceded.

Sustainable Characteristics
• Mixed Use
• Housing Choice
• Pedestrian Design
• Transportation Choice